from Malaja Pereshchepina, Nagyszentmiklos, etc.
The Khazars and the Caspian sea level changes by N. Gumilev
Bulgars of Alzec in Lombardy, HISTORIA LANGOBARDORUM by N. Christie
Kubrat by V. Beshevliev (text in Bulgarian)
Pictures from the VII-IXth cc. capitals Pliska, Preslav (text in Bulgarian)
of the Ochrid Archbishopric
Ибн-Фадлан, Пътешествие до Волжска
България 921-922
(Ibn-Fadlan, Travel to Volga Bulgaria, 921-922 AD.
- Translation from Arabic)
Наблюдения на Петър Добрев върху ‘Пътувания...’
на Ибн Фадлан
On the name and the title of the rulers
of Volga Bulgaria by R. Fahrutdinov (in Russian)
(Kindly provided by Mr. Vladimir Belyaev
and Mr. Arcady Molchanov)
Iranian elements
in the Proto-Bulgarians by V. Beshevliev (in Bulgarian)
(Kindly provided by Mr. Vladimir Belyaev
and Mr. Arcady Molchanov)
On the Prototype of the Proto-Bulgarian
Temples at Pliska, Preslav and Madara by B. Brentjes
Central Asian Buddhist parallels of the Proto-Bulgarian
pagan temples from NE Bulgaria
Constantine Porphyrogenitus and the Bulgarians by G. Litavrin (in Russian)
Examples of the early Bulgar constume
IRANICA PROTOBULGARICA: Asparuch und Konsorten im Lichte der Iranischen Onomastik by R.Schmitt (in German)
Altturkische Felszeichnungen in Nordost-Anatolien by H. Vary (in German)
The Bulgars in the Balkans and the Occupation of Corinth in the Seventh Century by K. Setton
On the Capture of Corinth by the Onogurs and Its Recapture by the Byzantines by P. Charanis
The 'Second Bulgarian Empire.' Its Origin
and History to 1204 by R. Wolff
The Volga Tatars:
Origins - The
Bulgar State - The Mongol Conquest
- The Vaisov's Bulgar sect by
A. Rorlich
Documentary evidence about the Bulgars in the IV – VII cc. AD by V. Sirotenko (in Russian)
A short description of the Volga Bolgharic r-Turkic by Mr. Cluster User
Scholars and scientists from Volga Bulgaria by G. Davletshin (in Russian)
On the origin of the Volga Tatars by A. Smirnov (in Russian)
Great Volga Bulgaria by V. Iliev (in Bulgarian)
The runic epigraphy of the ancient Bulgars by I. Kyzlasov (in Russian)
Slavs, Scythia, etc.:
The Evolution of Slavic Society and the Slavic Invasions in Greece. The First Major Slavic Attack on Thessaloniki, A. D. 597 by Speros Vryonis Jr.
Tamgas (functions of the symbol) by V. Ol'hovskij, 2001 (in Russian). With 9 figures of Sarmatian, Old Turkic, etc. tamgas.
About the Zoroastrianism among the Alans in the VII-IX cc. by R. Rudnickij, 2001 (in Russian)
The time of the appearence of the Alans in Eastern Europe and their origin by A. Skripkin, 2001 (in Russian)
Istorija v osetinskom predanii by
R. Bzarov (in Russian)
Description of the feudal relations, classes in Ossetia
and of the institution of "nomilus" (second wife)
The Name SLAV by B. Philip Lozinski
The genesis of the Balkan peoples by Vladimir Georgiev
The position of Albanian by Eric Hamp
"Old Scythia" and the Slavs by
O. Trubachev (in Russian)
An excerpt about the etymology of "slovene" (Slav) and
its connection with the tribal name "stavana" in Ptolemy.
Temarundam "matres maris" by
O. Trubachev (in Russian)
About the ancient names of the Black Sea, and about the
Indo-Aryan, but not Iranian, language of the Sindo-Maeotian tribes of southern
The tribes of European Sarmatia in the II c. AD by A. Udal'cov (in Russian), with maps
Central Asia, etc.:
History of the Armenians, Moses Khorenats'i -
on the Literary Sources by R. Thomson
The runic alphabets of Central Asia by I. Kyzlasov (in Russian)
About the formation of the Pamir-Fergana racial type by L. Jablonskij (in Russian)
The artificial skull deformation in Central Asia by T. Hodzhajov (in Russian)
Аrmenian sources on Central Asia, V-VII c. AD by L. Ter-Mkrtichjan (in Russian). With a MAP of Central Asia,VII c. AD by S. Eremjan
Central Asia in the Early Middle Ages, ed. G. Brykina. With maps.
About the titles of the Sogdian rulers
by O. Smirnova (in Russian)
(Kindly provided by Mr. Vladimir Belyaev
and Mr. Arcady Molchanov)
The New Year festival "kalandas" among
the Khorezmian Christians from the beginnig of the XI c. AD by
S. Tolstov (in Russian)
Al-Biruni's description of the Khorezmian "kalandas"
festival, which is similar to those of the Balkans, the north Pontus and
the Caucasus;
Khazar-Khorezmian relations, Judean influences from Khorezm
to Khazaria
Bactrian marriage contract of 343 AD, N. Sims-Williams (translated in Bulgarian)
The town of Balkh by Sh. Kamaliddinov (in Russian)