IV. The Thracian onomastics
A. Geographical names (O - Z)
Oskios (Thuk.), Skios (Hdt.),
Oiskos (Ptol.) Oescus (Plin.),
Hiscus, Uscus (Iord.), Iskos
(Hierokl. Syn.), Yscos (Cod.
Theod.) - the modern river of Iskr.
The name is usually linked to the Old-Ir. u(i)sce ‘water’, the Old-Cymr
uisc, the Irish esc ‘water, bog, swamp’ - from the IE *udesk
Ostaphos (Ptol.) - town in the eastern part
of Haemus, between Nicopolis at Haemus and Valla. The name has two components:
the Thracian *Ost-aphos, resp. *Ust-aphus (or -apha) from the IE *ust-
(or -ap
). The second component is
the already known word, related to the Old-Pruss. ape ;river’, and the
first one can be explained from the Baltic river names: the Lith. Uõstas,
(a lake), the Latv. Uost-upe,
(compare also with the place name U
- from the Lith. úostas, uostà ‘river mouth, harbour’, resp.
the Latv. uosts, uosta ‘the same’, related to the Old-Bulg. oustie ‘river
mouth; mountain pass’, the Latin ostium ‘river mouth’. Structurally the
Thracian name is identical to the Latv. Uost-upe. Astaphos - the form given
by Procopius (with an initial A- instead of O-) came under the influence
of the Greek ásty ‘town’.
Ostudizos, Ostodizos, Ostidizos (in guide-books) - station SE of Adrianopolis (Edirne), today - Hafsa in Turkish Thracia. A two-component name meaning ‘town at the (river) mouth’). Ostu- is identical to Ost- of the previous entry, for -dizos ‘fortress’ see above under Burtudizos.
*Paisula - place name, reconstructed from the epithet of Zeus
- Paisulnos (in an inscription from
the Kavala district). The name is composed of a suffix -ul
and a stem which is related to the Lith. pai
‘soot’; compare it with the Baltic place names: the Old-Pruss. Paissyn,
the Lith. Pai
Palae (in a guide-book) - village at the
middle course of Hebros, west of the town of Harmanli. The name is identical
with the Lith. river name Palà, from the Lith. pãlios (pl.)
‘big swamp, bog’, related to the Latv. paas,
i ‘swampy banks of a lake’, the
Latv. palus ‘swamp’, the Old-Ind. palvalá- ‘swamp, bog’, the river
name Palis, a right tributary of Tiber in Italy.
Palma (in an inscription) - village in the
Philippoplis (Plovdiv) district. The name has nothing to do with the Latin
palma ‘palm-tree’. It is Thracian and derived from an initial river name,
related to the Russ. Palma (a river
in the Dnepr basin) which is thought to be Baltic in orogin. Compare also
to the Lith. river name Palmin
the place name Palmajos káimas, the Latv. river name Pa
The name, most probably, was built of the IE suffix -ma and a stem, which
is also presented in the Lith. river name Palà, pãlios (pl.)
‘bog swamp, bog’, etc. (see the previous entry).
Panax, Accus. Panaka (Kantak.) -
river in the region of Pangeus (today Putnardag). The name is explained
as a derivative from the IE *pon(i) in the Goth. fani ‘silt’, the Old-Icel.
fen ‘swamp’, the Old-Pruss. pannean ‘swamp, quagmire’, the Gal. anam (Accus.)
‘swamp’; compare to the Old-Pruss. place names Panyen, Panyn (a swamp),
the Russ. river name Ponja (from the Baltic *Pan),
Panion (Suid., Const. Porphyr.) - town in Propontida (the Sea of Marmara). From the Thracian *Panian, identical to the Old-Pruss. pannean ‘swamp, quagmire’ (see the previous entry).
Panisas (Plin., variants: Pannisis, Panisa, Panissa) - coastal river in the region Tjunias in Turkish Thracia. The name is a derivative with a suffix -is- of the Thracian *pan(i) ‘swamp, bog’ (see for detail under Panax).
Pannysis (Plin., Variants: Pannisis, Panysis, Panysus),
Pans(s)os (Ptol.)
- the modern Kamchija river; Pannisus (Tan. Peut.) - station on the Kamchija
river. The name is identical with the previous one.
Pautalia (Ptol. Steph. Byz.; in inscriptions)
- town of the tribe of Danteleti, the modern town of Kjustendil. Structurally
the name is similar to the Latv. place name Pauteli, formed from *pauta,
which is present in a number of Baltic names: the Old-Pruss. Pauta (a river),
Pauten (a lake), the Lith. river name Pat-upis,
the Latv. river name Paut-up
Pautu-strauts, etc.; these names are related to the Lith. putà,
pl. pùtos ‘foam, froth’, putóti ‘to foam’, the Latv. putas
‘foam’ from the IE stem *peut-: *put-. Having in mind that Kjustendil is
situated on a river (Banshtica), in a place with many hot springs, it can
be assumed Pautalia was derived from an original river name of *Pautala(s),
Pautela(s) or similar, meaning ‘foaming (river)’. Further support offers
another river name with the same meaning - the river name of Pena (‘foam’),
a left tributary of the upper Vardar.
Périnthos (Hdt., Ptol.), Perinthus
(Liv., Plin.) - town on Propontida in Thracia, today Heraclea, the
Turkish Eregli. The name is probably an extension with the IE suffix -nt-,
resp. -ent- of the stem *per(u)- ‘a rock’, in the Hett. peruna- ‘a rock’
and the Old-Ind. párvata- ‘a mountain’ - the IE *per-to-.
A genetic link with the name of the Bulgarian mountain of Pirin (Perin)
is doubtful.
Pizos (in an inscription and in guide-books)
- village in Thracia, today - Jastreb, the Chirpan district. The initial
form must have been *Pisus (-as) with the sounding of the invervocal -s-
as -z-, a characteristic peculiarity of the Thracian language. Related
to this name are the Old-Pruss. Pissa, Pissen (a lake and a river), Pisse
(a lake and a village), the place names Pyse-kaym, Pise-lauk, the Latv.
Pisa ezers (a lake). The stem is preserved in Latvian: psa
from the IE *p
‘a bog, where only small birch or spruce trees can grow’, related to the
Greek pisea (pl.) ‘damp place, meadows’.
Poltymbría (Strab., Steph. Byz.) - the modern town of Enos on the Aegean coast of Thracia. A two-component name: Poltym- = póltyn ‘fence of boards, a fortification of beams and boards’, and bria ‘town’.
Prasiàs límn
(Hdt.) - the modern Tahino lake on the lower course
of the Struma river. It is a Grecized form from the Greek práson
‘onion, leeks’, the original Thracian name must have been *Prausias or
similar - a word related to the Lith. pra
(prausiù, -sia
) ‘to wash’,
‘washing’, the Latv. prauslât ‘to spray, to sprinkle’, the Bulg.
sna, pr
‘the same’, the Old-Ind. prusnoti ‘to sprinkle’; compare also the Lith.
river name Praustuv
, a derivative
of prausta ‘washing’. The lake was called ‘washing’ its banks.
Pupe(n)sis vicus (in an inscription) - village
in the Philippopolis (Plovdiv) district. The name was Latinized: vicus
is ‘a village’, and Pupe(n)sis is a Latin adjective from the local place
name *Pupa, -as or *Pupai. Counterparts of the latter are found in the
Baltics: the Old-Pruss. village names Pup-kaym (-kaym = Old. Pruss. caymis
‘a village’), Paupayn, the Lith. Pupi
káimas, Pupin
, the Latv. Pupa
(a place), explained from the Lith. pupà ‘beans’, the Latv. pupa
‘the same’. The Bulg. village names Bobov dol, Boben, Bobishta has the
same meaning. The Albanian pupë ‘a hill’ offers an alternative explanation.
The local geographical context is, however, unknown and the both interpretations
are possible.
Purdae (in a guide-book) - village in Aegean
Thracia, NW of the Mesta mouth, today - the village of Sarushaban. Related
names are the Old-Pruss. Porden, Purde (a lake), the Zhemait. (XVI-th c.)
Purdjaknis Popel
- from the stem *purd- ‘damp’, wet’, in the Latv. purdu
‘a snivel’, related to the Greek pardakós, pordakós ‘wet,
Pusinón (Prok.) - fortress in the
region of the Hebros river. Related to the Lith. place name Puin
yno káimas, the river name
Pusyne, the Zhemait. Pushina (a stream), Pushine (meadows), etc. - all
from the Lith. pu
‘spruce forest’, from the Lith. pu
*Raimula - place name, reconstructed from the epithet of Apollo
- Raimullus (in an inscription). The name is obviously formed with the
suffix -ul from a stem, related
to the Lith. ráimas (raimas) ‘motley, particoloured’, as the Jatvig
(Balt.) place name Raimoche (1265 AD).
Rhakúle (Prok.) - fortress in Hemimontus
(a region between Anchialo and Adrianopolis). The name is related to the
Lith river name Rãkija, the place name Rakavos káimas, the
Old-Pruss. place name Rok-lawken, Rocke, etc., from the Lith. ràkti,
ra(n)kù, rak(i)a ‘to dig out,
unearth’, the Latv. rakt, rùoku ‘to dig’, rak
‘to dig’. The name meant ‘a gully’.
Rhamae (in a guide-book) - village in Thracia near the modern village of Ljubimec, NW of Svilengrad. The name is related to the Old-Pruss. river names Ramio, Rammenflys, the Lith. Rãmis (a lake), the river name Ramùne, etc., from the Lith. ramùs ‘quiet, silent’.
Rhodópe (Hdt., Thuk., etc.), Rhodopa
(Thepkr.), Rhodope (Verg., Ovid.,
Plin.) - the Rhodope m-s. The name is explained from an initial
river name (probably the modern Dospatska river) and is identical with
the Lith. river names Rùd-up,
the Latv. river name Rud-upe, the Zhemait. (XVI-th c.) river names Rudupja,
, the place name Rudupi, etc.
- all from the Lith. rùdas (from the IE *rudho-s) ‘reddish, ruddy,
dark yellow’ and the Lith. ùp
‘river’. It is quite common when a river name becomes also the name of
the mountain. It is known that the name of the Rila mountain was also originally
a river name - the modern Rilska river was previously called Rila, from
the Bulg. verb rija ‘to dig’.
Rhusion (Hierokl. Synekd.) - another name
of the ancient town of Topejra on the eastern bank of the Mesta river above
its mouth. The name can be compared with the Old-Pruss. place names Russe
(a village and a swamp), Russien, Ruse-moter, etc., which are explained
either from the Lith. rs
(and rúsas) ‘a pit for potatoes; cellar, basement’, the Latv. r
‘a pit’, or from the Lith. verb rus
‘to flow slowly’. The latter fits better to the names of rivers, such as
the Old-Pruss. Russa.
Rumbodona (in a guide-book) - village in
Aegean Thracia, today - Geniseja (before Enidzhe). A two-component name:
Rhumbo- is identical to the Latv. Ruba,
a main tributary of the Dvina river, the place names Ru
b, Ru
the Latv. place name Rumbai, etc., from the Latv. ru
‘waterfall, river rapids (on Dvinam Vindau)’, related to the Lith. ru
rùmbas, rumbà ‘periphery’, from the IE *r
the second component -dona is related to the Old-Ir. d
(Genitive) don ‘place, country’, the Greek chth
‘soil, land’, from the IE *ghdh
*Saldokela - the name of the source (a spring) of the Panega
(Zlatna Panega) river, reconstructed from the epithet of Asklepius - Saldokelnos
in an inscription from Glava Panega. The name is explained as ‘golden spring’
in connection with the greenish (greenish-reddish) shade of the colour
of the water of the spring: Saldo- is derived from the IE *g’holto- ‘gold,
golden’, assuming that the Greek
denoted the Thracian z (there is no confirmative evidence, however) and
-kela ‘a spring’ from the IE *g
which also appears in the village name of Kellai.
Sárt (Hdt.,
Steph. Byz.) - town in the eastern corner of the Sitonia peninsula,
the modern Longos in Chalkidiki. The name is identical with the Lith. river
name Sa
Sartà, the Latv. S
or S
rt-upe, the Zhemait. river name
Sarta, the place name Sarti, etc., from the Lith. sa
‘light red (for horses)’, the Latv. sarts ‘red (for the face), fresh’.
The Thracian name was obviously derived from the soil colour.
Scretisca (in a guide-book) - village between
Meldia and Serdica, near the modern village of Kostinbrod. Both the stem
and the suffix of this name are identical to the Lith. place name Skrti
which is part (in Genitive) of the name Skr
(a lake). They are formed from the Thracian suffix -i
the Lithuanian -isk- from the stem *skret- ‘a circle’; compare with the
Lith. skret
‘a (round) disk’, skrìt
*Seietovia - place name, reconstructed from the epithet of Zeus
- Seietovien[us] (in an inscription from southern Bulgaria). The name is
probably related to the Lith. river names Sietuvà, Situvas,
the Zhemait. Setuva - from the Lith. sietuvà (dial. si
‘a deep place in the river, pool, pit’ from the IE *seit
resp. *seito
Compare also with the Illyrian place name Setovia (in Dalmatia). The Thracian
*Seietovia sounded initially as *Seiatovia (through a vocal assimilation
e-a > e-e) from the IE *Sei
*Seinulaza(s) - place name, reconstructed from the epithet of
Heros - Seinulazis (in an inscription
from Plovdiv). The epithet can be explained from an initial dweller’s name
ending in -ijas, resp. -ijis from a place name. Compare the correspondent
formation in Lithuanian: medijas ‘a hunter’ (initially ‘a forest dweller’)
from the Lith. mede ‘forest’, Seirìjis (a lake), derived from the
river name Seirà. The Thracian *Seino-laza(s) probably denoted a
‘village (settlement) *Laza(s)’: Seino- from the IE *kþe
related to the Armen.
en, (Genitive)
‘village’, the Greek (Rodoss) króin
‘place of residence’ - from the IE *kþo
the second component -laza(s) is related to the Serbo-Croat läz
‘a clearing in the forest’, the Russ. laz ‘animal pathway to a river (lake)’,
lazina ‘forest glade, clearing’, the Latv. laza ‘a camp’, from the IE stem
*leg’h. The Slavic and Baltic derivatives on this basis are well known.
*Skina - a place name,
reconstructed from the dweller’s S
(in an inscription from the Stanke Dimitrovo [Dupnica] district). The name
is identical to the Lith. river name
a derivative from the Lith.
‘recently mowed down grass; hay’, related to the Latv. sêks ‘the
same’ - from the IE *k’eko-. Compare semantically with the Bulg. village
name Senovo, the Slovenian Senovo, the Serbo-Croat Senovac.
Sérm (in
a literary source), Syrmus (Plin.) -
the modern river of Strjama, a left tributary of Marica. Identical in the
basis are the river names from Lithuania Séemas, from Poland S’rem
- from the IE *sermo- ‘river, current’ in the Old-Ind. sárma-h ‘current’.
Sérm (in
a literary source) - village SE of Thessalonici, attested in the
later, Grecized form of Therm
The name is identical to the previous one.
Sílta (Strab.) - village in south-eastern
Thracia near Aphrodisia, the modern Siltikjoj. Baltic counterparts of this
name are: the Latv. place names Siltie, Siltums, Siltine, the Lith. river
name i
which are explained from the Lith.
‘warm, pleasant’, resp. the Latv. sì
‘warm’, related to the Cymr clyd ‘warm, warming’ - from the IE *k’
The Thracian Silta meant ‘a warm place’.
Síndos (Hdt.), Sinthos (Steph. Byz.) - town between Therme and Halastra (at the mouth of Vardar). Probably an initial river name, related to the Old-Ind. síndhu- ‘river’, the Old-Pers. hindus, the Avest. hapta hindava, the river name from Asia Minor Indus (form *Hindus), the place name Sinda, a town in Pisidia on the upper course of Indus.
Síngos (Hdt., Ptol., Strab., Steph. Byz.),
Siggos (Plin.) - town on the eastern coast
of the Sitonia peninsula in Athon. The name meant ‘collapsed, low place’
from the IE *sg
towards the IE stem *seng
- ‘to fall,
to sink’ in the Goth. sigqan, the Old-HighGerman sinkan, the German sinken
‘to sink, to fall’, the Anglo-Saxon s
‘swampy’ (from the German *sinthi-), the German seicht ‘shallow’. The same
is also the origin of the first component of the Dacian place ame Singí-daua
*Skalpa - a place name, reconstructed from the epithet of Asklepius
- Skalpnós (in an inscription
from Kjustendil). The name is related to the Lith. river names Ska
n-upis, Ska
from the Lith. ska
bti (-biù,
) ‘beetle, dolly (laundry)’
Skapliz' (Prok.)
- fortress in the region of Germenne in Upper Struma. The name is derived
with the suffix -is- (the intervocal -s- > -z- in Thracian) from a word,
related to the Lith. skãplis ‘a type of axe’. Compare semantically
with the Bulg village name Sekirka, the Serbo-Croat Sekurje, Sekirica,
(Theophr.), Skapt
(Hdt.), Scaptensula (Lucr.)
- a place name of the gold mines in the Pangeus mountain (the modern Purnardag).
It has two-components: Skapt
- (Skapten-)
is related to the Lith. skaptúoti ‘to cut, to carve (in wood)’,
the place name Skaptotai, the river name Skaptùtis; also to the
Greek skápt
‘to dig’; the
second component (-sula) is related to the Greek hyl
‘forest, grove’.
*Skaptopara - a place name, reconstructed from the dweller’s
name Skaptoparnoi (in an inscription
from the Blagoevgrad district). A two-component name: for Skapto- see the
previous entry, the second -para means ‘a village’.
*Skarsa - a place name, reconstructed from the epithet of Hera
- Skarsn
(in an inscription from the Elhovo district). The basis is identical with
the Old-Pruss. Skarsin, Skarsaw (a lake), related to the Lith. ske
‘transverse, oblique, slanting’ in river names such as Ske
s-ravis; compare also with the
Greek en-kársios, epi-kársis ‘curved, bent, transverse’:
from the IE *skert-so-s, *skort-so-s.
Skómbros (Thuk., Aristot.) - the
Vitosha mountain. The Thracian form can be reconstructed as *Skumbras (in
the classical Greek the foreign u was denoted by o) and to correlate it
with the Lith. kumbrs,
bris ‘hill, top of a mountain;
small mountain’, the Latv. ku
‘hump, hunch’, the Norw. hump ‘mountain, small hill’ - from the IE *(s)kemb-.
The Thracian name was derived from the IE *Sk
*Sonkta - a place name,
reconstructed from Hera’s epithets Sonketene (in inscriptions from the
Radomir district and Sv
rlig, eastern
Serbia). The name must have sounded as *Sunketa, formed from a word, related
to the eastern Lith. sunkà ‘sap (of a tree); fluid’, in the Lith.
village name Sunkyniai (Sunkyni
káimas), the river name Sunkìn
- from the IE stem *s
*Spindea - a place name, reconstructed from Apollo’s epithet
Spindeenos (in an inscription from the Ivajlovgrad district). It is related
to the Lith. place name Spindi
káimas, Spind
iùs (a
lake), the Latv. river name Spindags, which are explained from the Lith.
spindùs ‘shining’ or from the Lith. spiñdis ‘clearing (in
a forest)’ from the IE *(s)p
The second word fits better semantically to the Thracian name, compare
it semantically to the Bulg. place names Proseka, Prosechenik.
Strámbai (Steph. Byz.) - town in
Thracia. The name is derived from a Thracian word, related to the Old-Pruss.
strambo ‘stubble-field’, the Latv. strùobs ‘a spray, a stem, a straw’
(from the Baltic *strambas), occurring in the Latv. place names Strobas,
Struõbas, from the IE *stromb-. The combination mb in the Thracian
name replaces the expected there mp.
Struneilon (in an inscription from the Chirpan
district) - village in Thracia. The name is structurally similar
to the Lith. river name Strn
(with a dialectal str- instead of sr-), a derivative from a basis, represented
in the Lith. river name Str
the Zhemait. Struna (a stream), Strun
(an estate) - from the IE *sr
extended from the stem of the verb sr
vù, dial. sr
‘to fill with water, with blood; to flow, to outflow the banks (for a river)’,
from the IE stem *sreu-, *sr
compare also with the Lith. sraunà ‘a current’.
(Hesiod.), Middle Bulg. Strouma - the Struma
river. The name is derived from the IE *Sr
from the IE stem *sreu-: *sr
- ‘to
flow; a current’, preserved in the Lithuanian sruti (sr
nù) ‘to fill with water’
to flow’ (see the previous entry); compare also to the Pol. strumien’ ‘a
stream’, the Old-HighGerman stroum, the German Strom ‘current, river’,
the Old-Ir. sruaimm ‘river’, the Lith. sraumuõ, -eñs (and
dial. straumuõ, -eñs) ‘fast current’.
(Hdt., Steph. Byz.) - village in Greek Thracia.
The name is of the same origin as Strym
(see above) and must have sounded *Str
in Thracian. From a similar name was derived the name of the modern village
name Strima (a village in the Kumanovo district) from the earlier *Stryma,
initially - a rive name.
Succi (Amm. Marc.), Sukeis (Philostorgii
Hist. ecel.) - a mountain pass between the Rhodopes and the Haemus,
today Trajanovi vrata (Gates of Trajan). Probably identical to the Latv.
place name Sukas, Sucis (a lake), the Lith. river name ukis
ùk-upis), from
the Lith.
‘a gap, a crack’, the Latv. sukums ‘a gap, a notch, a nick’ - from the
IE *k’uk-: *k’euk-. The Thracian name meant a ‘crack, a gorge, a pass’.
*Suitulla - a place name, reconstructed from the Heros’ epithet
Suitulenos (in inscriptions from the districts of Radomir and Kurdzhali).
The name is derived from the IE *k’itul
and is identical in its basis to the Lith.
‘something shining, a light’, extended with the suffix -ul- from a word,
occurring in the Old-Pruss. place name Swit-the, the Latv. river name Svite,
compare also to the Lith.
(-tù, -te’jau) ‘to shine, to twinkle’, the Old-Bulg. sv
sja ‘to shine’.
Suras (Prok.) - fortress in Hemimontus.
The name is probably related to the Lith. river named S'ris,
'-upis, the Old-Pruss. Sure (a
stream), from the Lith. s
'ras ‘salty’,
the Latv. s
rs ‘salty, bitter, sour’.
Compare also with the Celtic river name S
the German Sauer.
Syracella (in guide-books) - village in
Turkish Thracia, the modern town of Malgara. A two-component name meaning
‘a salty (bitter, sour) spring’: Syra- = Sura-, for which see the previous
entry; -cella from the IE *geln
‘a spring’, from which is also the Thracian place name Kellai.
Tarpodizos, Tarpudizos (in guide-books),
Tarpudison (Rav.) - station north of Lozengrad
(Kurkleleri), the modern Kovchas in Turkey. A two-component name: Tarpo-
is related to the Lith. tárpas ‘an interstice’ and ‘a gap, a crack’,
the Church Slavic trap, the New
Bulg. trap ‘a pit, a ditch’; compare also with the Lith. river name Tárpija,
the Zhemait. place names Tarpu kal
i, the Latv. place names
Târpi, T
rpu p
About the second component -dizos, -dison ‘a fortress’ see Burtudizos.
Tárpron (Prok.)
- fortress in the Pautalia (Kjustendil) district). The name is extended
from the Thracian word *tarpa(s) = Lith. tárpas ‘an interstice’
(see the previous entry).
Térpyl(l)os (Ptol.) - town in Mygdonia.
The name is derived with the common Thracian toponymic suffix -ul- from
*terpa(s), a variant of *tarpa(s), which is contained in the place names
Tarpodizos and Tarporon. About the alternation e : a before r compare the
Lith. térpe = tárpas, the river names Terpìn
- Tárpija.
Tirsai (Steph. Byz.) - town in Mygdonia.
The name is derived from the IE *Tsoi
(pl.) and is identical to the first component of the Old-Pruss. place name
Tirs-kaymen (-kaymen = Old-Pruss. caymis ‘a village’), related to the Lith.
‘density, thickness’ and ‘thicket, brush-wood’, from the stem of the verb
tù, tir
‘to thicken, to darken, to harden’.
Tonzos (on coins from the II-th c. BC; Ptol.),
Tounza (Theoph. Chronogr., VIII-th c.) - the
Tundzha river. There was a town with the same name on its middle course.
The older form is still preserved in the upper course which is still called
Tzha, from the IE *(s)tundío-,
related to the Armen. t’ndium ‘noice, movement, pushing, knocking’, the
Alb. shty(n)j ‘to push’ from the IE *studn
the Latin tund
‘to push, to knock’,
the Old-Ind. tundat
‘to push’. There
is another possible interpretation - taking into account that the oldest
names of rivers had meant ‘water, river’, it is possible to link Tonzos
with the Old-Icel. þund ‘river’ and to derive it from the
IE *t
from the IE stem *tend(h)- in the Anglo-Saxon dindan ‘to swell, to rise’.
Tranupara (Tab. Peut.) - town in Paeonia,
somewhere between Kochani and Kratovo. A two-component name, which first
component can be compared to the Latv. place name Trani, Tranava, the Lith.
river name Trans,
etc., from the Lith. tren
'ti ‘to
rot, to decay’, the Latv. trenêt ‘the same’; the second element -para
means ‘a village’.
Trauos (Hdt., var. Strauos) - river in the
littoral region of the tribe of Bistoni, to the east of the Mesta’s mouth.
The name can be explained from the initial form *Trausos, the intervocal
-s- having disappeared under a Greek influence. Then it is identical to
the first component of the Lith. river name Tra-upis,
meaning ‘a breaking, crushing river’, from the Lith. tra
‘to break, to crumble’, trau
us ‘brittle’,
the Latv. trau
s, trausls ‘brittle,
fragile’. This interpretation is supported by the fact that the upper course
of that river was inhabited by the tribe of Trausoi, who were probably
named after the river. V. Tomaschek offered an alternative etymology -
Strauos from the Latv. strava ‘current’, the Lith. sravà ‘the same’,
the Old-Bulg. strouja ‘a stream’, etc. from the IE *sreu- *sr
‘to flow’.
*Tynta - a place name, reconstructed from the dweller’s name
Tyntemoi (on coins). Counterparts of this name are found in the Baltics:
the Latv. place names Tunti, Tunte, the Old-Pruss. village name Thunt-lawken
(lawken = Old. Pruss. laucks ‘a field’), from the Lith. tuñtas ‘a
flock, a flight; a heap, a pile’ (from an earlier *tumtas), a derivative
of the stem of the Lith. verb tum'ti
‘to thicken, to clot’.
Ucasus (in a guide-book) - the modern Javorica
river, a tributary of Topolnica, in the region of the Succi pass. The name
obviously consists of the suffix -s-
and a word, related to the Lith.
‘a mist; clouding; fume, vapour’,
‘cloudy, turbid’, compare also with the Lith. river names
Ukõjas, the Latv. Uk'is (a lake). Compare semantically to the Bulg.
river names M
glenica, M
*Urda - a place name, reconstructed from the Apollo epithet Urdenos
(in an inscription from the Prvomaj
district). Related Baltic names are: the Lith. river names Ùrd-upis,
Urdenà, the Zhemait. place name Urdishki, the Latv. river name Urdava,
which are derivatives from a basis, contained in the Lith. urdul
‘a (mountain) stream; pool’, the Latv. urdavi
‘a stream’. Similar is probably also the origin of the river names Urda,
today l’Ourde in France, and Urft (Urd-efa in 1075 AD) in Germany (probably
Celtic in origin).
Urdaus (Prok.) - fortress in the region
of Hebros. It sounded initially as *Urdav-(us) or similar and in this case
is identical to the Latv. river name Urdava, related to the Latv. urdavia
‘a stream’ (see the previous entry for more details).
*Uerzela (*Verzela) - a local name, reconstructed from
the Dionysos’ epithet Vrzel
The name is a derivative with the suffix -el
(compare to the village name Kypsela) from a basis *verza- ‘a barrier for
fishing; dam, weir’ from the IE *
(resp. -o-s) and is related to the Lith. river names Vér
as, also vár
‘a basket for fish’, the Latv. varza ‘dam’.
Uscudama (Ruf. Fest., Eutrop., etc.) - the
modern town of Edirne (Adrianopolis). A two-component name: Uscu- from
the IE *udsko- (*utsko > usko-) ‘water’, compare to the Old-Ir. u(i)sce
‘water, the Old-Cymr. uisc, the Irish esc ‘water, bog, swamp’; -dama from
the IE *dhm
‘settlement, place of residence’, related to the Greek thaimós ‘house;
sowing’ from the IE *dh
the Old-Ind. dh
man- ‘place for living’.
This interpretation fits to the location of the town, at the confluence
of three rivers - Marica, Tundzha and Arda.
Utus (Plin.) - the Vit river; Utos (Prok.)
- fortress on its mouth. The name is explained from the IE *do-s
from the IE stem *
od- ‘water’ in the
Old-Ind. ud-án- ‘water’, the Greek hydos ‘water’, etc. The IE d
was converted into the Thracian t. The initial Utus led to the New
Bulg. Vit.
Vevocasenus vicus (in a Latin inscription)
- village in the Philippopolis (Plovdiv) district. The Latin vicus meant
‘a village’, and Vevocasenus is a Latin adjective from the hybrid place
name *Vevocasa, formed from the Trhacian -Vevo and the Latin casa ‘a house,
a hut’. The Latinized form Vevo- was probably derived from an earlier *Vaevo
(the change ae > e is attested in the Latin in the Danubian provinces in
the I-st c. AD). Thus we can reconstruct the Thracian form as *Vaivas or
- and to compare it with the Latv.
place name Vaiva (a meadow), the river name Vàive, the Old-Pruss.
Woywe, Wewa, Waywe (a district). The initial word is not preserved in the
Baltic languages; it can be assumed it consisted of the IE suffix -
and a stem of the verb *
i- ‘to curve, to
wind’ in the Lith. v
veju ‘to curve, to wind’, the Old-Bulg. viti v
‘the same’, etc.
Zburulus (in a Latin inscription) - village
in the Philippopolis (Plovdiv) district. A synkopped form of the earlier
*Ziburulus. As such the name was extended with the suffix -ul- from a word,
found in the Lith. place name iburi
káimas from the Lith.
‘a fire, a light, something burning; a torch’.
Z'rynthos (Steph.
Byz.), Z
(Suid.), Z
(Schol. ad Lykophr.), Z
(Etym. M.), Zerynthium (Liv.)
- a cave and a town on the island of Samothraci and in Thracia. The name
can be compared to the Lith. river name
from the basis
verint-, a derivative
from the Lith.
‘a beast’, related to the Old-Bulg. zver
‘a beast’, the Greek th
r - from
the IE *g’h
Zilmissus (in a literary source) - hill
in Thracia. The name is derivative with a suffix from the basis zilma-
from the IE *g’hmo-
or -d, related to the Lith. river name
(a lake), the Latv. zelme ‘green grass or wheat’.
horos Zyakozreron (in an inscription from Gramadi,
SW of Kjustendil) - a village on the old road Kjustendil - Kratovo
and Kochani. The word hóros is Greek and means ‘a boundary, a frontier
stone, column’ and the whole expression means ‘boundary (frontier stone)
of Svakozrera (or -i)’ Zyakozreron is therefore a plural Genitive form
(in Greek) of *Zyakozrera or *Zuakozreroi, a two-component village name,
meaning ‘the bright, the light stones’: Zyakoz- is probably the Thracian
*Zvakuz-, which basis is identical to the Latv. village name Zvaki,
related to the Lith. river name
- from the Lith.
‘a light, a candle’, related to the Latin fax (old faces) ‘a torch, a light
(of celestial bodies)’, etc. - from the IE stem *g’h
‘to glimmer, to flicker’. The second component -rera (or rerai) came (through
an assimilation) of the initial *lera (resp. -ai) from the IE *l
‘stones, stony ground’, compare to the Alb. lerë, -a ‘stones, rock;
fallen stones’.
Thracian are also a number of toponyms, which had not been attested in the ancient sources and which the Slavs had been adopted from the local Thracian population. Such are:
Arda - river, Marica’s tributary. The name is explained from
the Old-Ind. árdati ‘to flow, to flow out’, the Greek ard
‘to water’.
Veléka - river, flowing into the Black Sea south of Ahtopol.
There is a counterpart in Lithuania: a swamp there is called Vel'kas,
from the Lith. vel
kles ‘a place,
used for washing’, a derivative from the Lith. verb vel'
ju, -'
‘to wash (with a paddle)’, The name can be also compared to the German
hydronyms Wasch-Bach (a stream), Waschsee (a lake), identically from the
verb waschen ‘to wash’.
Erma - river in the Rhodopes. With no doubts a Thracian name,
related to the Alb. jerm ‘fierce, mad’ from the IE *ermo-. This interpretation
fits to a mountain river. The name of the Erma river near the town of Trn
is a late literary invention, as shown by K. Irechek.
Knishava - part of the Rila mountain. The name is attested
in the XII-th s. in the so called folk passional of the saint Ivan Rilski
and it can not be interpreted from Bulgarian. Probably it is a Slavicized
(through the suffix -ova) Thracian name *Knisa(s) or similar, with counterparts
in the Lith. place name Knisà, the Latv. place names Knsi,
su-kalns (a mountain). These names
are explained from the Lith. knìsti (-sù, -s(i)a
‘to dig, to rummage’, knysis ‘a digging’. The Thracian *Knisa(s) therefore
meant ‘a gully’.
Marica (G. Akrop., XIII-th c.) - although it contains the Slavic suffix -ica, the name is thought to be Thracian. It is related to the Dacian river name Marisos, the modern Romanian Mures, the Hungarian Maros, the Anglo-Saxon merisc ‘swamp’, the Middle-HighGerman mersch ‘marsh, swamp’, the Middle-Latin marisca ‘the same’ (a German loan-word), etc. The preservation of the short Thracian -a- in the name shows that it became known relatively late to the Slavs (after the VIII-IX-th c.) and adopted from the local population of Thracia; it is supposed it denoted the middle and the lower course of the river.
Nesla - village in the Godech district. The name must have been
a rive name initially, which is supported by the existence of the river
name Nesla in Russia (two rivers in the Pripet basin), thought to be Baltic.
The earlier form was probably *Nestl
from the IE *Nedtl
from the stem
*ned- in the Old-Ind. nádati ‘to ring, to sound, to thunder’, nadí
‘river, current’. Therefore, Nesla is related to the Thracian river name
of Nestos.
Ossogovo - a mountain, also known as Ossogov, Ossogova, and Osogovska
planina. The earliest examples are in Slavic sources (XIII-XIV-th c.).
The name can be easily interpreted as a Thracian one from the IE *Ok’o-gh
(-os) or *Ok’o-gh
which led to the Thracian *Asagav- ‘stony country, stony mountain’: Asa-
‘stony’, also found in the river name Asamus and gav- ‘country, district’,
related to the Goth. gawi ‘country, countryside’, the Old-HighGerman gawi,
the German Gau, the Armen. gavar ‘country, district’, the pre-Greek ‘gaia’.
In Slavic the name was adopted relatively earlier and the Thracian a produced
o, as in the earliest borrowings in Slavic. Therefore, the Thracian *Asagav
> the Slavic Ossogov
, resp. Ossogovo.
Its interpretation as ‘stony mountain; fits well to the geographic features
of the mountain, especially of its eastern part. It is known that the rivers,
which have their sources in Ossogovo, and flow through the region of Kamenica
(!) (kamen = ‘stone’ in Slavic) carry many large stones.
Panega, also called Zlatna (Golden) Panega - river,
Iskr’s right tributary; Glava (Source,
Head) Panega is called its source. The name of Panega in a derivative of
the Thracian word *pan(i)- ‘swamp, bog’ and is related to the Old-Pruss.
pannean ‘swamp. quagmire’. Similar is the origin of a number of geographic
names, attested in Greek and Latin sources: Panion (a village), the river
names Panisas, Pannysis. Because of the preservation of the short Thracian
a in the Slavic form it must be assumed it was a late borrowing in Slavic
(after the VIII-IX-th c.).
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