- 25.02.1970 - born in Sofia, Bulgaria
- 1983-1987 - National
Mathematical High School "Acad. L.Chakalov", Sofia, class in Physics
- 1987-1992 - Sofia
University "St. Kliment Ohrydski", M.S. in Physics with specialization
in Geophysics
- 1993-1995 - Geophysisist at the Geomagnetic Department,
Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- 1995-1996 - Research Associate at the Geomagnetic Department,
Geophysical Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
In the beginning of 1996 I was awarded the Lord Zuckerman studentship of the University of East Anglia, Norwich, and since April, 1996 I am a post-graduate student under the supervision of Dr Barbara Maher and Dr Mark Hounslow. The title of my research project is 'Palaeomagnetism and magnetostratigraphy of the volcanic and sedimentary rocks from the Momchilgrad Tertiary depression, the Eastern Rhosopes's mountains.' The project started as a pure palaeomagnetic one, aiming at solving the current discrepancy between the Bulgarian and Greek palaeomagnetic data on the Tertiarty tectonics of the Rhodopes mountains, but with time it took in magnetostratigraphic and some rock-magnetic studies as well.
- 2001- __ - Post Doctoral Research Associate, Centre for Environmental Magnetism and Palaeomagnetism (CEMP), Dept. of Geography, Lancaster University
- Lancaster, June 2001
- with my grandfather in his native
- with two of my siblings
- another picture from southern
* Special thanks to my cousin Yavor Bogev for the scanning.