'Tempora Incognita of the early Bulgarian history" by Atanas Stamatov:
Bulgars in Pannonia, Illiricum, Italy in the IV-VII cc. AD
Bulgars in Armenia - a key to the earliest Bulgarian history
Hidden Treasures of a Forgotten Bulgarian State by M. Siderov (Bulgars, Avars in Illiricum, VI c. AD)
"TanNakRa" Bulgarian foundation
An alternative "astronomical" reading of the Pliska rosette by M. Siderov and E. Kelevedzhiev
The Proto-Bulgarian 12-year cyclic calendar (Chavdar Jordanov's page) (needs IExplorer)
Bulgarians - roots, connections, place in the world by V. Stefanova
Madara horseman rock relief by M. Stancheva
+ A
better picture of the relief from World Monuments Watch
Bulgarian ruins – Bulgarian castles (Grigor's page)
"Ziezi ex quo Vulgares" by E. Zhivkov (in Bulgarian)
Moldavian archaeological project at the Rujno fortress, NE Bulgaria (in Russian)
"Aspects of the ethnogenesis of the Volga Bulgars" by Marsel' Bulgari (text in Russian)
Bulgarian National Congress, Tatarstan - political programme, picture archive, history (site in Russian)
Historical Memory of the Tatar Ethnic Group by F. Ziyatdinova (http://www.tatar.ru)
"Tatars" - history of the ethnos and the ethnicon by R. Urazmanova (in Russian)
Tatars and Tatarstan - methodological and theoretical aspects by R. Hakim (45-pages .rtf-file)
Ethnogenesis of the Chuvash, Tatar people by V. Shnirel'man (www.chuvashia.net)
- ethnic history and traditional culture by V.
Ivanov et al. (in Russian) (http://www.cap.ru)
Chuvashia - Folk Costumes, in Russian (www.chuvsu.ru)
About the ethnic name "Burdjan" in Arabic geographical works
Bulgaria - at the Archeological Museum of the Kazan University
(in Russian)
museum-reserve at Biljar - Faience
bowl - Kuphic
Halikov (1929-1994)
A web-site about Biljar (in Russian)
The ruins of Bolgary on Volga - The ruins of Tashkirmen by G. Frolov (in Russian)
The archaeological reserve at Bulgar - The archaeological reserve at Biljar at http://www.tatar.ru (in Russian)
Pilgrimage to Bulgar by Sh. Dzhamilov (in Russian)
plate of Diggiz by A. Mukhamadiev (in Russian) (www.peoples.org.ru/tatar/)
(about finds of Sassanian- and Indo-Scythian style silver
plates, "runic" inscriptions, etc. from the Middle Volga region, interpretted
by the author as proper "Turanian". A table of a "Turanic" alphabet of
the II c. BC - VII c. AD, readings.)
From "Bulgharism" through "Marrism" to Nationalist Myths: Discourses on the Tatar, the Chuvash and the Bashkir Ethnogenesis by Uyama Tomohiko (in English, .pdf-file)
Bulgar archaeology of the region of Simbir (in Russian)
Description, pictures from Arbuzinskoe, Alekseevskoe,
Golovkinskoe, Kremenkinskoe, Karsunskoe, Kokrjatskoe, Jurmanskoe sites,
Kuphic dirchams
Medieval East-European coin with Runic inscription by Vl. Belyaev (in Russian/English)
BALKAR - the history of the Karachay-Balkarian people, their music,
photo gallery, by Adilhan Adiloglu
by Vincenzo D'Amico, 1942 (in Italian
and Bulgarian)
Samnium, Archeologia del Molise - Alzeco, duca dei Bulgari
'Alcekova Bylgaria', The Bulgars in Italy - a collection of links of Ziezi to Italian sites
Kevin Brook's www.khazaria.com
(a comprehensive site about the early medieval Khazars
and their empire in the Caspian-Caucasus-Pontus, etc.)
Edgar's Historychannel
(essays and articles about the Mountain (Caucasian) Jews,
E. Rabaev's "History of the Jewish communities of the Northern Caucasus",
"The Red Kaganate" - an association of reenactors with links to "steppe" web sites , discussion forums, etc.
Fir Bolg - collection of links of Ziezi to Irish sites
The Jases and Brodniks
in the Steppes of Eastern Europe (IX-XIII cc.)
(an "Iranian" view on the medieval Alano-Bulgaro-Khazar
culture of SE Europe)
Crimea in
the Early Middle Ages (Huns, Alans, Bulgars, Khazars),
of Bulgar-Khazar and Christian sites in Crimea, VIII-IX cc. AD
- from the Crimea
History site (in Russian)
of Phanagoria, "the capital of Great Bulgaria in the
VII c." - from archaeology.ru
(in Russian)
Phanagoria - Golden
finds, Decorated
pottery of various time periods
Server of East-European Archaeology
at archaeology.kiev.ua:
- Early
Khazars in the North Pontus by A. Komar - discussion
on Pereshchepina, Voznesenka
- Arms
and science of war of the Khazar Khaganate by A. Komar
and O. Suhobokov
at www.archeology.ru (V. Eremenko) - Early Iron Age in
Europe, large collection of links
The Pontic kingdom, V c. BC
- IV c. AD by Dmitriy (in Russian)
History and coins of the north Pontus, essays
Library of Medieval Textsat vostlit.narod.ru (in Russian)
Mediaeval Bulgarian Literature:
Turnovo Inscription of Khan Omourtag, The
Life of St. Cyrillus, The
Life of St. Methoduis, works of Climent
Ochridski, Naum
Ochridski, Konstantin
Preslavski, etc. [Text in Bulgarian, notes
in English]
Stephan Nikolov, Oxford:
Medieval Sourcebook:
Pendzhikent, Sogdian art (T. Cheng's page)
The possessions of Magian, Phalgar (Palhar), Macha on the Zeravshan river by V. Sazonov (in Russian)
Newly found Bactrian documents by Prof. N. Sims-Williams
and Gandhara under Western Turk rule (650-750) by
J. Harmatta and B.A. Litvinsky
Chapter 16 of Vol. III
of UNESCO's "History of Civilizations in Central Asia"
Review of V. Nikonorov's "The Armies of Bactria 700BC- 450AD"
Aspects of the ethnic history of ancient Central Asia by I. Pjankov (in Russian)
The celestial horses of ancient Ferghana (the Chinese campaigns of 104-102 BC) by H. Abdullaev (in Russian)
Edward Rtveladze's Home
Page - with complete bibliography list and the encyclopaedic
book "The Great Silk Road" on a CD