From: (Cluster User)
Newsgroups: sci.lang
Subject: Re: The Bulgars are Bulgars (Re: Caucasoid Turks/Bulgars)
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 00:56:32 GMT
Organization: Yale University>FAROSH - a mount,
, `ar fira:$ "a covering"
> Tadjik JAFJA (or EHJE) means Resurrection.
EHJE < `ar 'iHya:' "to give life back to"
>NIKA, NEIAS, NEFES etc., among many eastern peoples.
>In Iranian languages this word has
>two fundamental meanings - PRAYER and BLESSING? `ar. nika:H "marriage"
? `ar. niyyat "intention" (used also in religious contexts)
? `ar. nafas "breadth" in persian "religious song"
>in Talysh "O" means free
persian has a:za:d
>OUOV is translated as a moving star (compare it with the
>Pamirian OUTOB - sun, and the Talysh OV - moonOUTOB = a:fta:b ("sunlight", ta:b = light)
a:f = sun (persian), probably shifted to "moon" talysh.
>Iranian: HUDO (Godthe distinction beween H (X) and KH (KX) in dobrev's decipherment is
unclear to me. most iranian languages clearly distinguish between /h/
and /x/ i.e. /kh/.huda: < `ar. huda:, huda(n) (an epiteth of God, the guider) but
persian xuda: (an iranian word for God, BTW an early - ? - loan in
turkic, quday)
>IU means "are", and the definite article "E" in the
>beginning of the inscription.
>? in other places it was "E"
>ALASHU ART TUI can be translated with the help of these
>languages as a Holiday of horse races
>TUI < turkic toy
>Father (OTEC) is written as OTES. Next to it there is a short word which can be
>read as "khan" or "ghan:
>? turkic "ata"
>OZHZHE=OUZHI, OVCHI (irrigator) - TalyshOVCHI < a:bcI < a:bc,I pers. a:b "water" + c,I turkic
>ASO E (ash is, dust is).
>talysh E < ast (est) "is" e is a short form found for example
in kurdish and *colloquial* persian.
>. The Talysh word AM, which likewise means
>cross, is similar to the old-Egyptian word
>for cross ANGH, denoted by a symbol of a cross.
>ANT - "OATH".
>turkic a:nt
>HASHI (sun).
>From the root U - sun, in Sumerian was developed the word UD (holiday),
>which under the form JAD and
>JOI passed to some Iranian languages.?
= `i:d
>SHO means "to make you happy, to entertain you ",
>HE - "to play, to dance", ESH "to sing" and
>IHSH - "to love". JO meant "dear" and DOANU - a "request,
IHSH = `ar. `i$q (love)?, DOANU = `ar. du`a:?
>ed to the Iranian word SHEN ('merry'). This
>word is used up to now in the Bulgarian folk
>gatherings, particularly during weddings, when
>at the high point of the celebration a guest
>proclaims: "SHEN BADI KUME!", i.e. I salute you,
>for modern bulgarian turk. $en < pers. $en
NSEN "old man" = `ar. 'insa:n "person"?