From: Emil Jivkov - Ziezi (
Date: Sun Nov 30 04:17:46 1997
Radvam se che ima takiva Bulgari !
From: Kevin Brook (
Date: Fri Dec 5 04:35:38 1997
Webpages on history and archaeology
Dear Vassil, I have enjoyed visiting your webpages,
particularly those concerning
Proto-Bulgarians of early eastern Europe.
The information you are providing is
very interesting. I just noticed that you
are adding new sections on old
Bulgar language and writing. That will certainly
be fascinating! Good luck!
From: Iavor (
Date: Sat Dec 27 13:00:57 1997
mnogo gotini kartinki si slovil na first page.
Ot kyde gi vze, a ? ;-)
From: Bassam Al-Kuwatli (
Date: Sat Jan 3 21:49:21 1998
Great Job
Hi Vassil, May be you are calling your self
Groznijat, but this work which you've did is not.
It's the best (Nai Hobavoto) job about Bulgaria,
which I've ever seen on the Internet.
I wish you Good Luck!
From: Maria Dobreva (
Date: Mon Jan 5 05:12:21 1998
Guest and fun
Zdravei, Vassil! Sega mislia, che razbiram
veche za kakvo stava duma i kakvo se
vurti okolo teb.Mnogo mi beshe priiatno da
se razhodia iz stranicata ti i da se zapoz-
naia i vizualno s teb.Shte ti pisha ot Plovdiv
i shte ti pratia moia snimka.
Have fun!
From: cary cremidas
Date: Wed Jan 7 04:11:25 1998
motion picture making in macedonia
Doing research for a film I'm developing to
be shot in the Republic Of Macedonia. Need
information on monastaries, folk dancing,
country's independance, stories.
The film is a love story.
I'll be producing a short preview of the film
here in the United States to give investors a
sense of the tone and story of the film and
will need contacts of Macedonians in the San
Francisco Bay Area for research and acting.
Hopefully the film will get the attention of
A-list actors, but for the most part I'm looking
to cast the film with real Macedonians.
Also looking to have an open dialogue with
some of the key personal who made "Before
The Rain" a reality.
If you can be of any help, please contact me:
Cary Cremidas
. . .
From: Angele Vretoski (
Date: Sat Jan 10 18:34:31 1998
Janicharite vo nishto ne se razlikuvaat
Gledajki sto prezentiraat groznite grobari
na Makedonija i na Makedonskiot narod
navistina e zalosno vo denesno vreme da ima
koi uste imaat hrabrost da tresat gluposti
oti Makedonija: de bila balgarska, grcka,
srpska ili samo djavolot znae samo sto ne
Grzni bugarofile - ti sovetuvam procitajgi
site lazni i bolni knigi sto se pisivani od
janicari kako tebe no vo sluzba na srbite
i grcite i togas ke vidis i samiot deka vo
From: Sue Eastwood (
Date: Sun Jan 11 12:02:09 1998
love your web page
Hi, I want to let you know that I really enjoyed
browsing through your pages. It found it to
very informative and interesting, partly because
my origins are macedonian and also because
I have studied similar topics at university.
Thank you for this page , and good luck with
your future endeavours!
Sue Eastwood
From: Pavel Kalinov (
Date: Sat Jan 17 06:32:25 1998
Derzaj, ne gi slushaj tija zabludeni makedonisti.
Dano kato ti chetat stranicata da se
ogramotjat i da razberat istinata.
From: Selefkos (
Date: Sun Jan 18 19:12:08 1998
From: Ivan (Vancho) Vitanov (
Date: Tue Jan 20 12:31:31 1998
Bravo Vasko - excellent web-page! The material
on the proto-Bulgarians is really
interesting and unique. Your macedonian page
is also just great. Keep shooting down
the macedonist propaganda by adding more excellent
From: Kaloian Milkoff (
Date: Wed Jan 21 03:03:09 1998
A great page
Superior accomplishment to present to the internet
stories of Bulgaria and Macedonia
from what I've seen so far. I am happy to
see it online. Because we need the truth. I hope
to see more material in English soon, enabling
foreign audience to read these great pages!
I am Bulgarian who lives in Northwestern US,
but never forgets the roots that have come
from - Macedonia and Bulgaria. I have completed
few small pages on our history as well,
though unfortunately I do not have the time
to put online the vast majority of my studies
for now.
Best regards and keep up that great work!
From: nick heath (
Date: Fri Jan 30 10:17:06 1998
I must tell you how much I appreciated your
pages on the protoBulgars. I've been deeply
interested in all the steppe peoples for over
35 years, and your site provided info that I
had not been able to access before, due to
lack of
fluency in Slavic languages/unavailability
of books. Maybe you could do a proper site
on the Huns?
Anyway, wishing you al the best
Nick Heath
From: Aleksandar Tokarev (
Date: Tue Feb 24 13:23:39 1998
Your Page really SUCKS!!!
I've never seen (and trust me I've seen a lot...)
page that is SO UGLY!!! Everything on this
page is a LIE!!!
From: Dimche (
Date: Mon Mar 30 21:12:10 1998
Macedonia-Forever in Our Hearts
VMRO -Youth Organization has created its website
Everybody interested in the dramatic history
and rich cultural heritage,as well as
the natural beauty of Prin,Vardar, and Aegean
Macedonia is welcome.
So pozdrav,
From: Simeon Tsonev (
Date: Sun Apr 5 10:47:13 1998
Dragi Vasile,
Chudesna stranica! I za prabqlgarite, i za
Makedonija. Zabelezhi, che makedoniostite
nikakqv sqshtestven uprek ne mogat da otpravjat
kqm faktologijata. Az sqshto napravih
edna makedonska stranica za VMRO - Ruse na
Tvojata, obache, e super!
From: Marniche
Date: Fri Apr 10 17:33:30 1998
Found your ethnohistorical treatise highly
informative and useful for my own work.
Thanks a bunch.
From: Todor
Date: Wed May 6 08:02:55 1998
zdrawei obazdam se ot Atina i se radwam tce
ima i takiva saitove
From: Valeri Stoyanov (
Date: Wed May 6 22:12:03 1998
Stranicata ti e mnogo hubava!!!
Pozdravleni za chudesno napravenata stranica.
Mnogo trud si polozhil, no si zasluzhava
truda da se razkriat vsichkite istini, ta
da otvorish ochite na tezi, koito sa se samozabravili
ili sa s promiti mozaci. Prodalzhavai vse
taka, imash poddrazhkata na vsichki, koito se
chuvstvat balgari ot tselia sviat.
Puk tova, che ima otzivi ot "makedonisti"
e dobre, znachi che sa si napravili truda i sa procheli.
From: Ogniana (
Date: Wed May 20 01:59:16 1998
Porazena sum ot literaturnata chast na stranizata........chela
sum ziala nosht. Ne znaia,
no jivotut v chujbina izglejda mi teji ujasno.
Vasile, otkude imash tezi neshta? Sam li
si gi kachval na weba? Prosto fantastichno.
Kolkoto do Makedonia.....bez komentar....
From: Phillip Johansenn
Date: Fri May 29 04:58:46 1998
Vincit Omnia Veritas
For some non-delusional information on Macedonia
and Macedonians visit a proper
Macedonian page (eg This
is a site of mostly self-delusional
psuedo-historisism on the part a Bulgarian
romantisist. It is very disturbing to find
such mischievious propaganda flogged as historical
fact, and hopefully does not
reflect the views of the Bulgar people as
a whole.
From: John Alexander
Date: Fri May 29 05:03:01 1998
Vincit Omnia Veritas
For some non-delusional information on Macedonia
and Macedonians visit a proper
Macedonian page (eg This
obviously pro-Bulgarian site is mostly
self-delusional psuedo-historisism on the
part a Bulgarian romantisist. It is very
disturbing to find such mischievious propaganda
flogged as historical fact, and hopefully
does not reflect the views of the Bulgar people
as a whole.
From: Kris Nikolovski
Date: Tue Jun 9 17:52:38 1998
From: Dimche
Date: Thu Jul 2 08:46:18 1998
Abe, Kris, barem koga psuvash, psuvaj kako
shto se psuva na "jazikot"! "Jebam" vikaat
tie shto se vo Shumadija! E, mozhe oni da
ti se pomili od "Tatarite" od koi barem 2
miliona gi imaat svoite koreni od Makedonija.
So srbomani i chpioni nie rabota nemame. Nauchi
se da vikash "ebam" i togash pishuvaj!
From: simulacrum (
Date: Wed Jul 29 12:59:58 1998
seshtam se za pone 10 nachina da ti dokaja,
che balgarite sa tatari, tjrki, rusi i tam
kakwoto iskash oshte... estestweno trqbwa
da sam PALEN IDIOT da doyda i da ti
kaja - "Vij tuka istoricheskite fakti - ti
si takaw". Hayde obqsni mi, kakwo shte prawish
s makedoncite, koito znaqt i mislqt che sa
makedonci, oshte poweche, che stom gp
"znaqt i mislqt", to to si e istina? Pisna
mi ot ewtiniq wi nacionalizam - WMRO HA!!!
Twa e ot minaliq wek.
From: Slaveyko Brchkov (
Date: Tue Aug 4 07:13:38 1998
We Macedonians sympathise with the Bulgarians,
we know, and they know if they
leave Macedonia from their history they will
be left wth nothing. That's why we
suggest you come and join us, forget about
that you are Bulgarian, you don't
want to be one either, Macedonia is always
in your mind, so let it go and be proud
Macedonians. If we join forces and leave a
side all of the romanticism we can create
and have our United Macedonia as the one we
all dream of.
Date: Thu Aug 27 19:04:26 1998
Date: Thu Aug 27 19:20:03 1998
WELL, FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: maria (
Date: Mon Nov 2 14:55:31 1998поздравления за добрата страница
From: Orlin Ivanov (
Date: Sat Nov 28 23:14:26 1998
Dobra stranica, mersi mnogo za istoriite.Njamam kirilica instalirana, zatova pisha taka.
From: Тодор Бояджиев (
Date: Tue Dec 8 23:57:38 1998Една добре направена и полезна с информацията си страница. Приемете моите поздравления!
From: Cyril Babaev (
Date: Fri Dec 25 03:13:35 1998
Greetings from MoscowI'm very pleased to express my respect to you once more and say that I am enjoying your site, especially Thracian language pages.
Cyril Babaev Indo-European Linguistic Studies
From: plamen (
Date: Tue Dec 29 21:45:13 1998И още поздравления!!! И ще бъде още по-ценна, ако изцяло е дублирана и на български език. Той е най-присъщ на българина. Идеята за страницата е много добра. Ще зарадвате още мнага... Подкрепяме ви!
From: Atanas (
Date: Tue Jan 5 06:56:16 1999Greeting for this good site.
From: Vasil Ohrana
Date: Sat Jan 16 01:20:03 1999
Greetings Bratko!Sho stava bratko? Si zagoubi. Dali si verna ot chouzhostranstvo?
Sve ljepo,
From: Vasil Ohrana
Date: Thu Jan 21 10:26:48 1999
Check out Dimo's Guest Book for some interesting reading.Bratko Vassil, Stranitsata na Dimo (Gosti kniga) e mnogou interesno ako imash vreme da o prochitash.
So zdravie ot tvoyo brat ot dalechna Avstralia,
From: Hallvard (
Date: Thu Feb 4 15:58:17 1999Are you from cyprus???
Im from Norway and i have been in Cyprus...So mail mee!!!
From: Peter Raftos (
Date: Tue Mar 9 00:54:18 1999
Love your siteI am a member of a historical re-enactment group in Australia.(See our website at ) which
deals with the interaction between Byzantium and the Kievan Rus' in the period 969-1015AD as well as the allies and enemies of Byzantium. Your pages are the most thorough I have seen on Bulgarian history. Keep up the great work. Do you have any references to costume or other aspects of social history and realia in English? Thanks again for some really interesting and well researched pages.
From: peter (
Date: Sat Apr 3 01:41:35 1999
The best page ever.Kazvam se Pet#r i tova e nai-hybava stranizja , koiato s#m vijdal. Az jziveia v L.A. i v momenta cheta "Zjelezniat sletilnik". Otidoh na internet za da naycha neshto za Talev. Taka popadnah na vashata stranizja.
Derzai!P.S. i si smeni priakora (ha-ha).
From: Petre Kolev (
Date: Tue Apr 20 00:20:43 1999
Thank you for your effortsGreetings!
Da ste zhivi i zdravi i Bog da vi blagoslovi!This is a remarkable page about the proud history of The Bulgars!
I live in Chicago and am new to the Net, but am always in search of excellent Bulgarian sites.
Sys zdrave!
From: D. Tenev (
Date: Wed May 5 08:37:10 1999
Zhestok page!Oshte ne sym razgledal vsichko, no sym v besen vyztorg. (Syzhale beaucoup, i az nqmam kirilitza)
From: Petko Kolev (
Date: Wed May 26 06:13:13 1999
Bulgarian historyHi and greetings!
Your page is fantastic!
Let me propose You to see our site and if You find it interesting
to include a link in Your page.
Our URL is:
Thanks and bye!
From: Sabirzyan (
Date: Tue Jun 1 17:47:57 1999
What a great page!Greetings from Tatarstan! (oops, I mean, from New York. That was just a Freudean slip :-)
Thank you, Vassil, for such an informative homepage. I enjoyed looking at the pictures too. Keep up the good work!
From: Richard Wyndbourne Kline (
Date: Tue Jun 22 09:16:40 1999
Public ServiceDear Mr. Karloukovski,
My thanks to you for your translation and posting of Dimitrov's excellent monograph on Proto-Bulgarian history. I have been at work on a method of modeling long-term cyclical structures in history for some time (a separate subject), and as one field of data to test the technique I have compiled an extensive chronology of the history of the steppe peoples of Eurasia, c. 600 BCE - c. 920 CE. The primary sources for the history of the early Bulgarians are quite fragmentary, and the summaries of these citations in English are few. I must say that this is the most comprehensive account I have yet seen, with a number of new event data. I will find recourse to this article useful in my own work, My thanks to you and to D. Dimitrov both.
Richard Wyndbourne Kline
From: Marsel Bolgary (
Date: Thu Jul 29 03:34:22 1999Привет от Казанских Булгар живущих в Санкт-Петербурге.
Спасибо за ваш искренний интерес к истории и культуре волжских болгар.
Посетите наши сайты по адресам :
From: Trayco Belopopsky (
Date: Sat Aug 14 21:34:54 1999
Your pageI am a bulgarian by birth but have been away since
1958! Came across your page by accident and enjoy
it tremendously. Thank you for the most
interesting information: I am making a number of
connections, personal & historical. Thanks again.
PS I will instal cyrilic soon! This is my first
contact with my place of
From: Dangel (
Date: Mon Sep 13 07:50:21 1999
MACEDONIA TO THE MACEDONIANS - NOT to the Tatar Bulgars!!!!Hey - don't you have some other things to do???!! Why don't leave us, the MACEDONIANS alone and stop the annoying propaganda!!!! We were, we are and we will always be MACEDONIANS!!! It's an insult to compare us with the gipsy tataro -Bulgarians!!! Go live your lives!!! STOP messing into the life of the others! The 19th century is over!!!!! wasn't it enogh to occupy Pirin Macedonia???? No way you are going to get Vardar Macedonia!! just come to Macedonia - and ask what the Macedonians think of you - the tataro bulgars!!
From: MACO 267 (
Date: Sun Sep 19 08:52:08 1999
MACEDONIA FOR THE MACEDONIANSYour site is a heinous misrepresentation of the truth. Frankly, I dont know how you are allowed to be on the internet. You seem to have taken to heart Hitlers' principle that if you tell a lie a hundred times it becomes truth. Firstly, Macedonians are not Serbs, Bulgars, Greeks or Albanians. We are Macedonians. Our heritage is of ancient Macedonian and Slavic blood. Secondly, you can carry on as much as you like with your anti-Macedonian and down right racist propaganda, but you will need alot of effort to convince us Macedonians that we are something else. It would take as much effort to convince us that we are giraffes.
-MACO 267
From: wayne dunkel (
Date: Tue Sep 28 14:01:47 1999
travel research for macedoniaGreetings:
I am an American attorney from Lubbock, Texas. I am interested in applying to come to Macedonia through a government program here but I would like more information about your country.If anyone in interested in talking with me I would appreciate a response.
Thank you.
Wayne Dunkel
From: Desislava (
Date: Wed Nov 3 14:32:33 1999
BRAVO!!!Pozdravlenija za stranicata! Njamah vreme da razgledam i procheta vsichko, nokato za parvi pat misla che 5 chasa pred kompjutara stigat. Makar, che tova bjaha nai-smisleno prekaranite chasa ot dosta dalgo vreme nasam. Oshte vednazh bravo!
I dano njakoj se seti da napravi svjasten sait i za srednovekovnata ni istorija, che dva dena tarsja i nishto svjastno ne otkrivam.
From: Stefan Valentinov Karshakov (
Date: Thu Nov 18 14:44:00 1999
sluchaino mi kazahaAz znam che si idval na moita stranica napravena za rodninite mi.
Tvoiata stranica e po goliama i po hubava ,no ne za d'lgo.Moiata shte blestne ne v skoro vreme.Pojelavam ti expansion and shtastie.
From: Emil Georgiev (
Date: Thu Dec 2 10:04:56 1999
Neverojatno, che ima i takiva pichove!Brato, strashna med mi pokapa po sqrceto kato ti gledah stranicata.Mnogo me interesuva vqprosqt Makedonija i bih zhelal da razbera otkqde cherpish bibliografskite svedenija.Otkrito se kefja, che ima hora kato tebe, koito si milejat za rodnata istorija i ne se podavat na glupavi zabludi ot porjadqka na insinuaciite na "otvoreno obshtestvo".Oshte po-prijatno mi stana, che otkritijata na Petqr Dobrev sa v mrezhata i mogat da bqdat cheteni ot edno ogromno mnozinstvo!Bravo i spoluka!
From: Vassil (
Date: Wed Dec 15 09:17:41 1999
za EmilZdravejte Emile,
za syzhalenie ne mozhah da se svyrzha s vas po e-mail-a. Izglezhda ne e tochen (?).Pozdravi,
From: highduke (
Date: Mon Dec 20 22:01:15 1999
kaj si b'e?!Vassil, shto praish!!
Zoshto tebe te nema kaj Dimo? Te baram b'e chovek, te baram! Za Makedonija:
Dojdi tamu pa vikni mu ne naekoj makedonec deka ste brakja, pa pazi kaj ke mu leta tupanica...
A jas slobodno mozham da gushnam sekoj Makedonec i da mu recham deka mi e brat, i toj mene ke me gushni.
Znaesh shto az imam slushnano ot Makedonci i Srbi za zlochini ot bugarski soldati?! Leeeleeee!Ti pishuvaj bajki za TATARSKI BULJGARI, praaavi cigani kato shto beat Turci.
Mene me vikash "shumadisko kuche"? Drvo edno...Jas znam deka moite koreni se SLOVENSKI a ne tatarski kato tvoite!
A Bugarija neka cheka za izbori vo Rusija vo 2000 godina. Za tova shto Bugaria ja primi Klinton, vie ke platite!
From: aleksandar jankovski (
Date: Fri Dec 31 00:08:03 1999
macedoniaI am writing this in English so that there will be no misunderstansing. I am Macedonian, and not a Bulgarian. I suggest that YOU DO NOT even entertain the idea that your ugly "state" and my beautiful Macedonia, free, independant, sovereign Republic of Macedonia, will EVER be joined; NEVER NEVER NEVER. KEEP YOUR FILTHY, NASTY, UGLY PAWS AWAY FROM MACEDONIA!!!!!
From: Хадриан (
Date: Wed Jan 5 02:28:57 2000
Васил, сврати нам поново у Србску у cafe...Нисмо још завршили разговор... :)
From: petrov bosko (
Date: Mon Feb 14 08:32:23 2000
macedonia to the macedoniansBrato, uf izvini VULGARITE
nikogas nemozat da bidaat nitu braka nitu bratucedi na nas vistinskite MAKEDONCI
From: Петар Мркоњић (дојди бе бате.....)
Date: Wed Feb 23 00:55:06 2000
Дојди малце во Србијан Кафе да позбораме.Еееееееееееееееј!!!
Кај си б'е Васко!
Леле, не те имам видено 100 години! Што праиш таму в Англија? Многу сте "бизи" таму па неможиш да ни дојдиш малце да си праиме муабет.Ето така, аз дојдов кај тебе малце да видам што пишуват бугарите за мојата бракја Македонци. И што видов, ме прашуваш?
Исто лајно како и секогаш!
From: Paetar mrkonjic
Date: Wed Feb 23 01:05:58 2000
diskusija za Makedonijahttp://
From: Vassil (
Date: Wed Feb 23 07:08:47 2000
I was banned from for posting unpleasant to the your ears things about the past, so I cannot participate in your discussions.
From: Цветомир Йолов (
Date: Mon Mar 13 13:44:09 2000
Поздрави!Здравейте, страницата е направо невероятна! Информацията в нея е наистина пълна. Мното ми е смешно като чета съобщенията на така наречените "македонци" : ) Те ни наричат "татари" или дори "руснаци" (?!), а аз бих искал да ги попитам тях за произхода им? Какъв е той? Сръбски, български, шиптарски или какъв? Всякакъв, но не и "македонски"! Защото такова нещо НЯМА, НЕ Е ИМАЛО И НИКОГА НЯМА ДА ИМА! Всичко останало е пропагандата на Сърбия с помоща на ционизма... Ако някой желае да дискутира нещо, да заповяда: Това е дискусионият форум на движение "Воини на Тангра". Адреса ни е:
Още веднъж, страницата е невероятна, сложил съм линк на нашата.
С поздрави: Цв. Йолов
From: Gospod (gospod@macedonia)
Date: Mon Mar 20 16:45:45 2000Go prashuvaat Bugarcheto vo bolnica [bez muda] kako zgazilo vrz mina vo Bosna, koga vojnata zavrshi poodamna. Bugarcheto onaka vika, idam ja, idam i gledam tabla "MINI". I go prashuvaat "Dobro i shto napravi ti?"
"I ja MINAH" si vika grevcheto :-)))))
From: Gospod (gospod@macedonia)
Date: Mon Mar 20 16:47:07 2000
Site Bugarchinja idat na ZHURKI!
[Btw, zhurki na bugarski e orgii :-)]
From: Emil Georgiev (
Date: Sun Apr 30 01:31:51 2000
po povod greshijat e-mailtozi adres e tochen, bi bilo super da polucha neshto na nego!
Otkyde li se vzimat tija makedonistki pichove, koito pishat takiva prostotii? Koj znae ot kakvi semejstva proizhozhdat....Mojat pradjado e bil izgonen ot Negush, sega Nausa v Egejska Makedonija, no nikogash ne se imal za nekakyv si makedonec, za negovite potomci pyk da ne govorime!
Zhelaja uspeh i samo uspeh, s drugarski pozdrav
Emil Georgiev
From: E,sega se mi e jasno
Date: Thu Jun 1 07:09:36 2000
Aaaaa,znachi navistina vie Bugarite vsushnost ste bile tatari...Dobro,barem mi se razjasni koj e koj...
From: Gary Veach (
Date: Thu Jul 6 16:16:33 2000
ThanksThank you for your efforts. I have only found your site today, but have bookmarked it and I'll be back
From: Боян Ч. Александров (
Date: Thu Jul 13 08:09:23 2000Страхотна страница!!!Направо разбива на пух и прах всички анти-български,лъжливи тези за нашия произход,за нашата история.Това е страница "що отговор дава и смива срамът
и на клеветата строшава зъбът...",както би казал Патриархът на българската литература.
На новоизлюпените другари-македонисти в РМакедония бих дал следния съвет:Товарищи,искайте повече ди/енари от службите в Белград,защото тези,които сега получавате изглежда са недостатъчни за вашата долна и подла пропаганда в македонските медии и градената(измисляната) ви 50 години история ще се срине за не повече от 15г.!!!
P.S.Ще бъде много добре ако тази страница бъде популяризирана.Обърнете внимание на това.
From: Vladimir Eremenko, D-r of Archaeology (
Date: Wed Jul 19 01:40:30 2000
Thanks from the "Scythica-Celtiqum"Василий, большое спасибо Вам за присланную ссылку по болгарской археологии и добрые слова в адрес сайта..
Буду очень благодарен Вам и гостям Вашего интересного сайта, если Вы будете обращать мое внимание на болгарские археологические ресурсы по раннему железному веку и в дальнейшем. Все присланные Вами ссылки постепенно будут появляться в каталоге археологических ресурсов на сайте "Скифика-Кельтика" (, рассчитанном на русскоязычную аудиторию, в соответствующих разделах.С наилучшими пожеланиями, еще раз спасибо, Володя
From: Edgar (
Date: Wed Aug 2 23:56:23 2000
Great info site on Bulgarians and other tribesThanks for making a great page about the various tribes of Central Asia and Caucasus. Visit my site:
(I also added a link to your site)
From: George Thomas (
Date: Fri Sep 29 05:12:30 2000
most interesting site!I am overwhelmed at the information you have provided at this site. I have spent the better part of 2 days going over these pages. I have to compliment you on this most illuminating site I have learned so much about an unknown to me subject. This is what the internet was meant to be. Thank you. George
From: Heleanor Feltham (
Date: Wed Oct 11 21:53:12 2000
Greeting from Sydney, AustraliaThankyou for a rich and rewarding site! Your information on the proto-Bulgars was invaluable.
Best wishes
Heleanor Feltham
Powerhouse Museum
From: Srbin
Date: Sun Nov 12 22:22:50 2000
Historical inacuraciesThe historical side of this site is extremely inacurate. I think you better stop considering Macedonian Slavs as Bulgars because they want to be Macedonian (not Bulgarian, Serbian or Greek).
From: Srbin
Date: Sun Nov 12 22:32:36 2000
Za onog Makedonca gore!A tebi burazeru samo da kazem da je istina da vi poticete od juznih Slovena, ali stari Makednoci nisu bili to sto ste vi danas vec su to bili GRCI. Shvatite vec jednom da je Aleksandar Makedonski je bio GRK, a tada je Makedonija bila GRCKA drzava. Pozdrav!
From: Fritz Sammann (
Date: Wed Dec 13 07:08:45 2000A brilliant site,you have provided a great deal of information regarding the ancient Bulgars,thanks.
From: norman (
Date: Tue Feb 13 00:27:48 2001
Adding a link and requesting your input.I tried to email but received a "no such address".
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Respond to this E-mail to obtain further details on how to do this. This service is also free.The Red Kaganate Web Site is intended as a Resource on Central and West Asian Medi
From: bulgarin (
Date: Fri Feb 16 17:11:41 2001
Greeting from Holland !Richard Kline, koito e pisal po-dolu, e edin ot horata, koito rabotjat po "novata hronologija na Fomenko"
V predishnite knigi na samija Fomenko za Bulgarija i za bulgarite se spomenava poveche mimohodom, no v "Rekonstrukcija vseobshej istorij" ot 1999 e oburnato dosta poveche vnimanie !
ako imash izlishna hartija, tuhlata ja ima skanirana:
From: Aleksandar The Great Macedonian (
Date: Sun Feb 25 01:48:00 2001
Imate Pravo. . . .zas? Nije samo se vikame nesto drugo!Prvo grcine zborvet deka Makedonija i Makedoncite se grci. Albancite zborvet deka nije sme albanci. Vije Bugari isto zborvite. Deka Makedonija e Bugarsko. I vo ocine od Srbine, nije sme Juzna Srbija. Ama tije mislet deka site se Srbi. Tije mislit gospod e srbin. Sto nie Makedonci, nemame nisto sto e nase? Site ne gazet vo Evropa. Ama imate pravo, nije nemame organizacija sto nije pravo. Ova VMRO sega neje istata od starata VMRO. Sto nasite vojvodi i komiti se tepajaa zaneja. Sega VMRO e prodaven dusa, samo za pari Makedonija e prodajena. Ama znam koj sum jas. Jas sum prav krv Makedonec. Makedonija od Prohob Cinski do Egejska. Od Pirinska duri do Mala Prespa i Grbo. Da se zivi i zdravi brajca sloveni. Zbogum od edno Makedonce od America.
From: Hadrian (
Date: Tue Mar 20 14:58:29 2001
Remember me?Hi Vassil.
Remember me? We discussed Kosovo and Macedonia issues two years ago on Serbian Cafe. At that time, you were all steamed up about ethnic Albanian rights in Kosovo. I told you there and than that in due time Albanians will chew out Macedonia in the same fashion.
You didn't believe me than.
Well, go now and read the news.What do you think now about those same issues?
From: emhaz (
Date: Fri Mar 23 12:24:59 2001
indigenous people of thracegreetings,
some regions on this planet have had so many different type of people going thru that only to identify to the "latest" or the most imposing of the cultures present is a denial of the complexity & diversity of human cultures. i feel really sorry for the pomaks that are not respected & valorised for their own culture, independently of what religion they had to join ,or what language they are forced to learn so as to be able to survive...
From: alexandar nikolov (
Date: Mon Oct 1 06:49:21 2001macedonia and macedonians
Skapi prijatelju,
Priznavam, che ne chetoh stranicata ti, zashtoto mi e pisnalo ot Makedonija i Makedoncite. No s goljam interes prochetoh stranicata za gosti. Tam serija ot prosti kopeleta si pozvoljavat da psuvat vsichko bulgarsko. Faktat, che sa taka jadosani pokazva, che povecheto ot neshtata, koito si pisal sa verni. No ot druga strana, zashto
trjabva da ni interesuvat tezi hora? Neka zhivejat, kakto iskat, s kogoto iskat. Ne smjatam, che izobshto si struva da se zanimavame s tjah. Tvarde sa neznachitelni i v goljamata si chast sa dosta prosti. Az lichno imam prijateli v
MK, koito se smjatat za Makedonci, a ne za Bulgari, no sa dostatachno inteligentni da ne smesvat minaloto s nastojashteto. Toest, makar i ne s goljam kef, te sa najasno pone otchasti s obshtoto ni minalo. No e vreme i nie da prerazgledame neshtata s dneshna data. Bulgarin e samo onzi, kojto se smjata za takav. Drugite sa prosto neshto drugo i ne e nasha rabota da gi prosveshtav
From: Dragan (
Date: Fri Oct 26 08:00:37 2001u suck!
I really do not understand why do the Bulgarians care about us Macedonians so much? we would appreciate the most if you would just LEAVE US ALONE, and take care of your own business!. Of course you can continue dreaming that we are like you, but, in reality that can never happen. We are Slavs and you are Tatars. Nothing in common between us.
From: VMRO-MNM (
Date: Mon Oct 29 21:58:31 2001
FROM: "Ljupco Mircevski-Trepet"
DATE: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 22:16:35 +0200
TO: "Ajtov Trajko" <>
SUBJECT: Re: pozdravZdravo Ajtov Trajko,
Blagodaram za porakata, i tvoeto protesno pismo do nacistickata, fasistickata, teroristickata, barbarskata i propaganda masinerija BBC. Pismoto ke bide isprateno do golem broj na E-maili vo celiot svet. A i voedno nie napravivme Link vo Web stranicata na Organizacijata VMRO-MNM. Linkot go imas ovde na pismoto i dve drugi poraki od atinjanski fasista i od eden azijatski tatar vrhovista, sevonista i fasista.Pozdrav od
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 3:31 PM
Subject: Re:
From: VMRO-MNM (
Date: Mon Oct 29 22:05:04 2001MACEDONIA FOR THE MACEDONIANS!!!!!
From: kubrat
Date: Sun Jan 20 08:30:26 2002old bulgarian and chuvash
i felt strange now to have a bulgarian name in turkey. i visited your site and enjoyed it much but now i wonder how do you consider about volga bulgarian i mean the chuvash and as i could recognize the old bulgarian language has no relation with the chuvash or did you chose unrelated words now who are the real bulgarians.
the protobulgarian did not have any similarities with the chuvash is it true?
sincerely yours
Date: Sun Jan 20 08:33:19 2002hi
From: Vassil (
Date: Fri Jan 25 11:17:57 2002Re: Kubrat
Hi Kubrat,
you are asking interesting questions but I cannot contact you as you didn't provide your e-mail.Regards,
From: Az Buki Vedi (
Date: Thu Jan 31 17:52:25 2002the "Macedonian" language
Hey people,
I can see that the world is full of frustrated, brainwashed and totally emotionally prejudiced, non-scientifically-minded Macedonians (that I say with utter regret as I would say it about a family member). So I wish to ask them a scientific question: where does this definite article at the end of the word come from in your language? Name one Slavic language that has it (I mean the definite article in general, not to mention its position). Even when you are cursing the Bulgars for being Tatars (actually, some Tatars are Bulgars, you are right), you are being Tatar yourself by simply speaking our language. So don't bite the hand that feeds you. Also, what's wrong with the gipsies? I have gipsy friends. Actually, you are being awfully racist and, yes, if you are so, you are not Bulgars.
Great work, Vassil! I would also gladly get in touch.
From: R. B. Blinder (
Date: Thu Apr 4 13:37:41 2002Surname research
Thanks for providing interesting reading. I have
been researching (possiblities) of my immediate family surnames
Blinder(Ukraine) - Bulgar the Blinder (Isaac II)
Bulgarini (Italy)
From: John & Snezha (
Date: Sun May 12 18:09:57 2002stories in Bulgarian and racial identity
Thank you very much for providing the stories in Bulgarian: Snezha will use then for examples of verb usage in her
PhD and our older son Alexander (Sandy) will read them as part of his way of keping his EZIK alive in Scotland
where we live.I am sorry to see that some people cannot be calm about ethnic questions: as a Scot (with quite a bit of English blood) who knows about what has gone on between the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish - i.e. much the same as in the Balkans - I could get all hot and sweaty on these topics: forget it; we are all flesh and blood - if you want to be a Macedonian, a Bulgarian, a Volga Bulgar, a Scot, an Englishman or an ethnically confused child (my younger child has English, Scottish, Bulgarian, Macedonian and Albanian blood with Bulgarian, British and USA passports) that's up to the individual.
John Mathewson